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Baptist congregation in Chojnic
Baptist congregation in Chojnic

How can genuine Christians be content with going through the motions of ritualistic religion?

How can they be content with cultural accommodation that adapts to the world’s ways under the pretext of “relevance” and seeking to “be all things to all people” (I Corinthians 9:22)?

How can they be content with periodic “highs” of emotional experience that are inspiring, exciting, and “moving”?

How can they be content to have their ears tickled with inspirational pabulum and the panacea of peace that proclaims, “All is well”?

Many who call themselves “Christians” seem to be oblivious to and unconcerned about the fact that the character of their behavior is selfishly misrepresentative of Jesus Christ, and fails to manifest the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22,23)

Tag(s) : #ritualistic religion, #genuine Christians
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